Reparations and Racial Inequality


  Derrick Derby argues that changing circumstances will replace historical injustices. No one can disagree with the fact that black slavery was wrong in every single account. Slaveholders should be punished for their behavior and we all would agree with that. Unfortunately they are not here to pay for what they did and the people that went through this traumatic and unjust experience are not here to get justice. Derby proposes that slaveholders owe slaves  reparations, which I agree with that. However I do not agree that those reparations should be paid by the people of the present and future, simply because that is simply unfair. However that does not mean that there is nothing we should do because there is no more "slavery". 

    Racial Inequality is  still present to this day, it just looks different that what it looked like couple hundred years ago. But pointing fingers will not solve anything. The truth is that United States is built on those racist morals that are still present today. Many will get furious with this point but unless you are that minority it is difficult to understand. I was lucky to have went to a very diverse school, where every race was equally represented and racist issues were not tolerated. But many of my friends and family members did not and their stories are truly heartbreaking. Whether it had to do with race, religion and gender, the sad truth is that discrimination and racism are imbedded in our society. That does not only happen here in the United States but it should not even happen here at all. 

    Although I do not agree with the way Derby is suggesting to go about this. There is no denying that these problems do exist and it is up to us to fix them. Blaming and fighting will not fix it, that is only going to cause more problems. We need to continue to advocate for equality and everyone's rights like we have been doing this past year. 


  1. Hey Theo,
    I like a lot of the points you made. Who's responsibility do you think it is to manage the reparations? The government?

    1. I think we are all responsible, instead of trying to find who should be blamed we can all collabretery change issues like these !


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