Phaedo by Plato


     This play is written about Socrates since we all know that Plato was Socrates student. Socrates begin by unraveling the idea of life and death. He begins by discussing the best way to live life itself. The first idea is that we should think and reason for ourselves, which could be quite difficult especially in this age. Our environment does have an influence on our morals and beliefs. He proposes that people do not give into those pleasures like for example technology and books but rather challenge them. Those pleasures tie us to the earth therefore the soul cannot leave earth when is time. The idea that Socrates proposes is something that I have always tried to do for myself. Since we live in a world where technology is everywhere, it can be used to guide you but not to think for you. 

    Socrates believed that souls exist and that after death the soul goes to Hades, the greek god of the underworld. In the example that he brings in this dialogue he proves that the soul exists before birth and after death. This idea is not only believed by many people now but it is also an idea that many religions support. The relationship of death and life that Socrates describes seems natural and peaceful. Which is an idea that I understand and respect. There is so much fear when it comes to death which is understandable due to the fact that we do not know what happens after we die. But the negative view on death impacts humanity in the worst way possible. As a philosopher himself he encourages other philosophers not to fear death. At the end of the play Socrates drinks the poison which is symbol of what he preached. His death symbolizes that other philosophers should not fear death and the whole humanity as well. Knowing the great impact that philosophers have on our society, their views does impact our views. 


  1. Hi Theo!

    I really enjoyed reading your blog because you brought in the ideas of technology and how that has influenced our lives. It gives us many sources of information but the idea that Socrates describes is that these materialized objects is what people can become so caught up with and these people are the ones that fear death. There is more to life than power and money and this is what I think is the most important point to take away from Socrates's view on death. Once our souls leave our body it allows for us to be able to find true knowledge from the gods. I would love to know you thoughts on this point!

  2. Hello Theo,

    I never really thought about Socrates drinking the Hemlock as a symbol that philosophers should not fear death, but now it seems to be pretty obvious that was his intention. If he truly believes that there is nothing to fear about death, then he should drink the poison without hesitation as he did. I agreed with many of your points about people fearing death simply because we do not really know what will happen when we die. I think that philosophy is definitely a way to reduce that fear for most people.


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