Time in Einstein's World

   Many philosophers argue that time is not a real concept. Human beings are not equipped to understand such a complicated concept. While many scientist disagree with that statement. One of those scientists is Einstein. He argues that time is real but also that no two events are identical. He came up with a theory called relativity. This theory states that time and space are linked together. He also concluded that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. 
    These theories are used all over the world today and are used by every scientist. It is fair to say that these theories are used to this day because there is evidence that scientists have found over the years to support these theories.  However McTaggart argues that time is not a real concept. Which is the opposite of what many scientists believe or support. McTaggart argues that time is not real because our description of time is contradictory, insufficient or circular. 
    Therefore his theory is a contradictory theory to Einsteins and other scientists. Comparing both arguments, personally I am in the middle. I strongly believe that both theories are valid in their own ways. I think of time as an unexplainable concept and something that human beings have not fully understood time so far. There is a long way to go to fully comprehend and understand the concept of time. 


  1. I agree with your conclusions in the final paragraph. There are probably truths in both of their theories, and a 'universal' theory would most likely take an approach down the middle. Most importantly, humanity has a long way to go and many other hurdles to overcome before it can confront the issue of time itself.


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